About NVC

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In Nonviolent Communication (NVC), everyone matters. Communicating this way means trying to include everyone’s needs. Doing so offers an alternative way of communicating to the regular communication in Kenyan schools, which is often based on punishment and power (over) structures. NVC offers an awareness that respects feelings and needs and aims for ‘power with’ relationships. More concretely, this means that students are safe, have a choice, and are interdependent: this is how they can build their future.

Founder’s Story

NVC is a communication approach that was developed by the American psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. As a young boy with a Jewish name, he grew up in the midst of the race riots in Detroit (USA) in the sixties. He started to wonder why some people become violent while others, on the contrary, are compassionate and can tune in to the humanity of others. This question never left him throughout his life. After he studied psychology, he worked for a while as a ‘regular’ therapist, and then he decided to develop his own method. This is how NVC came to life: a way of communicating that respects every human being, their feelings and needs, and their longing to connect for equality and growth.

Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

“I’m interested in learning that’s motivated by reverence for life, that’s motivated by a desire to learn skills, to learn new things that help us to better contribute to our own well-being and the well-being of others. And what fills me with great sadness is any learning that I see motivated by coercion.”

NVC in Education

Inspired by NVC, the teachers create an empathic and a non – threatening collaboration with the students. This raises their confidence, skills, and enthusiasm to become peaceful and lifelong learners.

It is important to acknowledge the importance of developing self-esteem, emotional competence, and skills for social change. The founding team believes students are best motivated by dialogue. It is our aim to seek each young person’s spirit of independence and intellectual curiosity, together with a strong understanding of personal and collective responsibility.

Your Giving Helps

A sustainable school
A school system based on respect and equality
A safe space for youngsters, especially pregnant teenagers
A surrounding community that profits from the social change